تب تک نظام انصاف ٹھیک نہیں ہوگا، کچھ بھی ٹھیک نہیں ہوگا: فیصل واوڈا


After the regime change, Imran received calls from two judges, expressing confidence in taking back the case
– File photo

Islamabad: Senator Faisal Vawda has said that the Prime Minister should start accountability with his brother, Imran Khan was influenced by some people.
The trigger of the gun was pulled by them. In a private TV interview, he said that if someone is targeting someone with criticism, not everyone is responded to, negative and positive aspects are prominent on social media. Negative individuals are either spoiled children of wealthy fathers or in-laws, they do not have jobs, so they are involved in such activities, the country’s security is being affected due to protests, so find a solution to it. Whether through love or through legal means, the day of accountability is very close in which black or white will not be seen.
Until the justice system is not in place, nothing good can happen in the country, the government has reduced the price of bread. The court gave an interim order that cheap bread cannot be provided, bread was not given free on increasing the price, we are the lawmakers, so we will also act, there is a need to fix the judicial system, after the regime change in 2018, Imran Khan received calls from two judges and the certainty of taking back the case was confirmed. If the public is upset on burning malls, we will change the law, the media is giving a lot of importance to Amin Gandapur, Gandapur’s mind, language, and heart are not in harmony with each other, Imran Khan is in jail and everyone wants to take advantage of his popularity.
All PTI leaders are in contact with each other, may god forbid that the day does not come when everything has to be revealed, if one day I get upset, I will expose everyone, some people want Imran Khan to stay inside the jail and we enjoy his popularity, Mohsin Naqvi is a capable person. Man does not exist, the throne gives you authority, when Rana Sanaullah was in jail and I was a minister, I opposed the bogus case. It was a bogus case, Fawad Chaudhry and I opposed it in the cabinet, Imran Khan was upset about that case and he agreed with our arguments, Rana Sanaullah also thanked me for that.
I have had many meetings with President Asif Zardari, he is a senior to me, I have no affiliation with any party, I have written in writing that I am not associated with any party, I am also grateful to the independent senators and those who stand up for their rights, changes are coming in the cabinet in a year and a half, Arif Habib did not support any party but always gave good advice, what is said on May 9 cannot be forgiven. The party’s people have misled Imran Khan, he was influenced by some people. The gun trigger was pulled by Khan Sahib.
I had told Khan Sahib that bullets would be fired at him, and this is why Khan Sahib later realized this, they talk about Pakistan’s army and the people. Wherever the people need it, the army is there. The sacrifices of the Pakistani military are unbearable. In terms of negative propaganda, he said that negative propaganda is a joke and a hypocritical show.


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