The annual three-day urs celebrations of Sufi saint Hazrat Bahauddin Zakariya Suharwardi commenced in Multan on Wednesday. However, due to the detention of shrine caretaker and PTI leader Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi in a cipher case, his brother Mureed Hussain Qureshi took charge of the proceedings. Makhdoom Zain Qureshi, the son of Shah Mahmood Qureshi, had initially performed the Ghusal ceremony in the morning, which did not sit well with Mureed.
Expressing his displeasure, Mureed scolded his nephew Zain, stating that he should have waited for him and other family members who were on their way. He emphasized that as it was their grandfather’s grave, the Ghusal ceremony should not have started without his presence.
In response, Zain remained silent and allowed his uncle to take over the responsibilities. Mureed conducted the ceremonial bath afresh to ensure proper protocol was followed. These incidents highlight the existing differences between Mureed and Shah Mahmood regarding shrine matters.
Despite these internal family tensions, a large number of devotees from all over the country participated in the urs ceremonies.
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