A British teenager, who had been missing for six years, has returned to the United Kingdom after living a nomadic lifestyle in Spain, Morocco, and France. The teenager, Alex Batty, went missing at the age of 11 after traveling to Spain with his mother and grandfather for what was supposed to be a two-week family holiday. He was found walking along a road late at night in southern France.
Greater Manchester Police confirmed that Batty has safely returned to the UK, but the circumstances surrounding his disappearance are still being investigated. The police are considering whether a criminal investigation is warranted and are seeking to locate his mother, Melanie Batty. They plan to speak to Alex at his own pace.
Batty, now 17, will be returning to the custody of his maternal grandmother, Susan Caruana, who had been entrusted with his care before he disappeared. Caruana has asked for privacy as the family processes the news of his return.
Batty told French officials that he had been living a nomadic lifestyle with his mother and grandfather, as part of a “spiritual community” in Spain, Morocco, and France. A doctor who examined him confirmed that he was healthy and had not suffered any abuse. The French prosecutor mentioned that Batty left his family after his mother expressed a desire to move to Finland, where she is likely to be now.