Armed forces pledge to retaliate against any aggression on Pakistan on 5th anniversary of ‘Operation Swift Retort’


On the fifth anniversary of ‘Operation Swift Retort’, Pakistan’s armed forces have reaffirmed their commitment to defend the people of Pakistan, the country’s sovereignty, and territorial integrity with full strength and without hesitation.

On February 27, 2019, the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) successfully shot down two Indian planes that had violated Pakistani airspace. A pilot from one of the planes was captured by Pakistan and later returned as a peace gesture.

In a press release issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), it was stated that the events of February 27, 2019, showcased the determination of the people of Pakistan and the professionalism of the armed forces in the face of unwarranted aggression from India.

The ISPR emphasized that Pakistan’s armed forces had the upper hand over the Indian side during the escalation and that the decision to return the captured pilot was a display of Pakistan’s strength and commitment to peace.

The ISPR also highlighted that any aggression against Pakistan will be met with a strong response, as the country continues to prioritize peaceful coexistence with its neighbors.

The escalation between Pakistan and India began with a terrorist attack in Pulwama, occupied Kashmir, on February 14, 2019, where more than 40 Indian paramilitary soldiers were killed. The situation escalated further as Indian military planes violated Pakistani airspace.

The Pakistan Air Force promptly responded to the intrusion, showcasing Pakistan’s capability for self-defense. Throughout the events, Pakistan maintained a stance of peace while staying prepared to defend itself if needed.


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