India Election 2024 News: Voters Express Concern as Candidates Mysteriously Withdraw their Candidacy


Prince Patel had to cancel his vacation plans due to the ongoing weeks-long elections in India. The 61-year-old retired engineer was disappointed when there were no polling booths set up in Surat, where he had eagerly waited to cast his vote against the government’s policy failures. Despite voting for the BJP in 2014, he has since become disillusioned with rising unemployment and prices.

Opposition candidates dropping out, joining the BJP, or claiming threats to their lives has become a common occurrence in various constituencies across India. The BJP denies any involvement in these decisions, but analysts see a pattern in states where the party has a stronghold.

For example, in Gandhinagar, a candidate withdrew his nomination against powerful Home Minister Amit Shah, citing threats to his life. While the BJP has not lost the seat since 1984, the ruling party aims to increase Shah’s victory margin in the upcoming election.

These incidents raise concerns about the fairness of India’s electoral process and the democracy it claims to uphold. For many like Patel and Anuj from Indore, voting NOTA (None of the Above) has become a way to resist the lack of viable opposition candidates.

Despite the challenges, citizens like Patel are determined to have their voices heard. “My right to vote has been snatched,” he said, reflecting the frustration felt by many in India’s complicated political landscape.


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