2 Israeli soldiers killed in fighting with Hamas in Gaza; 1 has connection to India


Gil Daniel was born in India and some members of his family are still in India, photo: file

Tel Aviv: Two Israeli soldiers who attacked Gaza on foot were killed today in a retaliatory action by Hamas, one of whom was related to India.
According to Israeli media, two more soldiers of the ground force in Gaza were killed while fighting Hamas, after which the number of soldiers killed by Hamas in ground attacks reached 88.
In addition to the soldiers killed in the attack on October 7th, there are more than a thousand Israeli soldiers, while about 200 Israeli soldiers are prisoners.
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In today’s skirmish in Gaza, one of the two Israeli soldiers killed by Hamas is related to India. Gil Daniel, the name of the Israeli soldier, was born in India.
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The Indian media has also confirmed that Gil Daniel is related to India and some members of his family still live in India. The last rites of the Indian-born soldier of the Israeli army were performed.


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