پاور ڈویژن نے سولر پاور پر ٹیکس کی خبروں کی جھوٹی ہونے کی دعویٰ کیا۔


Islamabad: The Power Division has dismissed the news of imposing fixed taxes on solar power as false. According to Express News, the Power Division has issued a statement stating that there is no truth in the news of imposing fixed taxes on solar power, neither the Central Power Purchasing Agency nor the Power Division has sent any summary to the government in this regard.

The statement mentioned that wealthy individuals are installing solar panels without any restrictions, and both domestic and industrial consumers, including the government, are burdened with a subsidy of Rs. 1.90. As a result, approximately 2 to 3 crore poor consumers are being affected, as this Rs. 1.90 is being taken out of the pockets of the poor and going into the pockets of the middle and upper class. If this trend continues, the burden on poor consumers will increase by a minimum of Rs. 3.35 per unit.

The statement also mentioned that the purpose of the 2017 Net Metering Policy was to promote alternative energy in the system. After 2017, there has been a rapid increase in solarization, so now there is a need to set a new rate. We are currently studying the entire system and considering suggestions and amendments that can save the poor from additional burdens.

Furthermore, the statement said that protection will be granted to the capital investment of 1.5 to 2 million net metering consumers.


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