UN Issues Alert for Potential Immediate Attack on City in North Darfur, Sudan | News


The United Nations is raising concerns about a potential attack on al-Fashir in North Darfur, Sudan, warning of devastating consequences for civilians already on the brink of famine. The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) are reportedly encircling the city, with the Sudanese Armed Forces also positioning themselves, indicating a possible coordinated attack. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for all parties to refrain from fighting in the area, as his envoy works to de-escalate tensions.

The RSF and its allies have already taken over four other Darfur state capitals, with reports of ethnically driven killings and other abuses. The fight for al-Fashir, a historic centre of power, could exacerbate ethnic tensions and spill over into Chad. The United States has also called for an immediate cessation of attacks in the city.

The High Commissioner for Human Rights has expressed grave concerns about the fighting near al-Fashir, with reports of dozens of casualties in recent weeks. Civilians are trapped in the city, facing a severe shortage of essential supplies due to constrained deliveries. The UN has warned that 800,000 people in al-Fashir are in extreme danger, as violence threatens to escalate intercommunal strife throughout Darfur.

With half of Sudan’s population in need of aid and millions displaced from their homes, donors have pledged over $2 billion for the country’s recovery at a recent conference in Paris. The situation in al-Fashir is critical, with the potential for further devastating consequences if fighting escalates.


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