The potential implications of widespread UNGA backing for Palestine’s complete UN membership | Israel’s conflict with Gaza


A total of 143 member nations voted in favor of reflecting global opinion on Israel’s war on Gaza. The international community has been debating Palestinian statehood for decades, and full membership at the United Nations would effectively recognize that. While sweeping support at the General Assembly is a crucial first step, the final seal of approval rests with the UN Security Council. Last month, the United States vetoed a resolution tabled by Algeria and has indicated it will do so again. Can the moral weight of global opinion reflected at the UNGA pressure the US to reconsider its stance? What impact could the backing of 143 nations have on Palestine’s non-member Special Observer status? Moderator Neave Barker is joined by guests Jeffrey Sachs, former adviser to the UN; Mustafa Barghouti, General-Secretary of the Palestinian National Initiative; and Yossi Mekelberg, Associate Fellow at the Middle East and North Africa Programme at UK think tank Chatham House to discuss these questions.


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