The clash between PTI workers and police in Karachi’s Teen Talwar during an election rally led to the arrest of at least 25 people on Sunday. The police stated that PTI did not have prior permission for the rally in the Red Zone, while the party argued that it was being deprived of its constitutional right to campaign. The incident occurred as all major political parties continued their election campaigns in the country.
Witnesses and officials reported that PTI workers arrived at the venue for the rally and attempted to block the road, which led to the police dispersing them with tear gas shells. The workers resisted and allegedly pelted stones at the police, resulting in injuries to some officers. Several arrests were made and the police resorted to tear gas shelling and baton-charging to disperse the workers.
The police admitted to taking action against the rally due to road blockages in Clifton. The media was also reportedly mistreated by the police, leading to an inquiry being ordered. The PTI claimed they had informed the district administration of the rally and accused the police of creating hurdles for the party, while providing a “level playing field” for other political parties.
The PTI also shared footage showing the police arresting peaceful people during their rally in Karachi, condemning the actions of the police and expressing their disappointment with the Election Commission of Pakistan. PTI Secretary General Omar Ayub Khan condemned the arrest of PTI Sindh General Secretary Ali Pal, and other leaders expressed similar sentiments about their party members being arrested.
The PTI continued to express its dissatisfaction with the treatment of their members, criticizing the current state of affairs and highlighting attempts to sabotage their rally. Imran Khan had instructed all party ticket holders to hold rallies across the country, warning that failure to do so would result in ticket cancellations. Despite the arrests, PTI planned to launch its manifesto as part of its election campaign.