Algeria: بارے میں خود کو کوئی خبر نہ تھی، لیکن 26 سال بعد ایک لاپتہ شخص قریبی گلی میں مل گیا


In 1998, during the civil war, a 19-year-old boy went missing in Algiers.

According to international news agencies, the boy left his house in the middle of the night and never returned, leaving his parents unsure if he had been killed in the war or abducted. The search for their son had been futile until social media posts surfaced claiming that the boy had inherited a fortune.

The family then intensified their search and found the boy’s body hidden among a pile of grass in a deserted alleyway some distance away. The circumstances were unrelated and tragic.

The family immediately informed the police, who found out that the person posting about the inheritance had fled. He was identified as the brother of the abductor, who had kidnapped him for the sake of the inheritance.

The 45-year-old abductor has been hospitalized for psychological and physical care, claiming he was under a spell which prevented him from seeking help.


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