85 New Cases of Pink Eye Infection Reported in Lahore


Lahore, the provincial metropolis of Punjab, is currently facing a significant surge in cases of Pink Eye during the ongoing rainy season. Within the past 24 hours, health department officials have reported 85 new cases of conjunctivitis, also known as Pink Eye.

Individuals affected by this infection are finding it challenging to go outdoors due to the detrimental effects of sunlight and dust on their eyes.

Dr. Intzar Hussain Butt, a reputable Eye Surgeon, shared his recommendations with the APP, advising affected individuals to use prescribed eye drops, cold water, and tissues for cleansing their eyes.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation or infection of the transparent membrane called the conjunctiva, which lines the eyelid and covers the eyeball, explained Dr. Butt.

Precautions to prevent the spread of Pink Eye include avoiding physical contact with infected individuals and refraining from sharing personal items like handkerchiefs, pillows, and makeup, as advised by Dr. Butt.

Dr. Butt also stressed the importance of wearing sunglasses and taking a temporary leave from official or private duties for a few days. Self-medication should be avoided, and joining gatherings should be refrained from. Frequent handwashing with soap is highly recommended.

Symptoms of Pink Eye include redness, a gritty or scratchy sensation in the eye, and itching. Dr. Butt further noted that many individuals with conjunctivitis experience eye discharge, leading to the formation of crusts on the eyelashes, particularly at night.

Various factors, such as infections, allergies, or irritants, can cause these symptoms.

Meanwhile, the Punjab Health Department reported over 85 cases in Lahore hospitals’ outpatient departments within the past 24 hours.

Dr. Bushra from Services Hospital stated that 40% of patients in the outpatient department were seeking treatment for this infection.

Dr. Bushra emphasized the importance of precautionary measures and recommended the use of eye drops. She advised affected individuals to maintain strict hygiene practices, including keeping their personal items such as towels and toiletries separate from others.

Patients were instructed to use prescribed eye drops and tissues for cleansing their eyes, with the option of using cold water for temporary relief. The provincial government health department stressed the need to use hand sanitizers and cautioned against touching one’s eyes without thoroughly washing hands.

The health department also advised against sharing items with those suffering from eye infections, including pillows, clothes, medicine, and bedding, which should be kept separate. Additionally, patients were urged not to reuse facial items.


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