بھارتی خفیہ ایجنسی ’را‘ کی پاکستان میں دہشت گردی


Over the past seventy years, the issues of Kashmir and Palestine have caused restlessness and unrest in the Muslim world. These issues are the creation of Western powers who have handed over these majority Muslim regions of Kashmir and Palestine to the Indian and Israeli ruling classes for their own interests. Since 1947, these same Western powers have become the shields of India and Israel. Both countries have committed horrific atrocities against the Muslim populations in Kashmir and Palestine, atrocities that are not hidden from anyone.

The Muslim world’s dilemma is that despite having a population of over two billion, they lack the power to stop the Indian and Israeli oppressors from committing atrocities against their Muslim brothers in Kashmir and Palestine. Materialism, personal interests, the pursuit of luxury and pleasure, and disagreements have created a disunity in the Muslim ummah that was once a symbol of Muslim privilege. Due to this same lack of unity, the spirits of Muslim enemy forces have become so high that they have heated up the market of conspiracies and terrorism within Islamic countries through their agents.

Mujahideen who stood united against Western powers and their Muslim traitor accomplices were Sultan Mehsud, Hyder Ali, Imam Bonjol, Imam Shamil, Tipu Sultan, Maulvi Ahmad, General Bakht Khan, Hazrat Mahal, Abd al-Qadir, Muhammad Ahmad, Mohammed Abdullah Hassan, known as Mad Mullah, Omar Mukhtar, and Izz al-Din Qassam, among others, who defied Western powers significantly during their time and made sacrifices in their lives during the struggle.

In the modern era, Palestinian mujahideen, led by Abdul Qassam, have been the first anti-Western leaders who established a guerrilla organization called the Black Hand in 1930 to end Jewish and Christian occupation of Palestine. Following this, similar organizations were established in Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, Indonesia, and other Muslim countries that resisted Western powers.

When Western-supported Muslim rulers began to target these guerrilla organizations, their leaders themselves became targets of their own governments. In 1981, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was assassinated by a guerrilla organization, adding to the increasing restlessness and unrest within the Muslim world.

The Indian intelligence agencies, particularly “RA”, have made these guerrilla organizations their targets, especially those operating in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pakistan, being the only atomic power in the Muslim world, is specifically targeted by Western powers. These powers are actively engaged in covert operations to weaken Pakistan through clandestine activities. Their strategy involves fueling Pakistan’s enemies with weapons and financing to cause harm to the state whenever possible. Recent incidents, such as the killings of Pakistanis in Norway, are part of a global conspiracy to spread bias and unrest in Pakistan, orchestrated by Indian clandestine agencies.

In light of the incompetence of current rulers, Pakistan is currently facing an economic crisis. Taking advantage of this situation, Indian intelligence agencies, led by “RA,” have targeted the leaders and workers of the Kashmir and Khalistan movements in Pakistan, aimed at destabilizing the state and weakening the movements for freedom and independence.

A report from a reputable British newspaper, “The Guardian,” revealed the Indian government’s involvement in killings and terrorism in Pakistan, indicating direct Indian interference. This report was based on conversations with intelligence officials and confirmed that Indian intelligence agents are actively engaged in covert operations in Pakistan.

The British newspaper report shed light on the fact that Indian intelligence agencies have successfully established their outposts in the United Arab Emirates. While these outposts appear to be commercial buildings, they are actually intelligence agents stationed there. Through these seemingly Muslim agents, RAW has been active in supporting militant groups and jihadist organizations against Western powers.

Going forward, Pakistan will need to be more vigilant and operate with caution to counter the sinister motives of the enemies within their borders. India has been engaged in a covert war against Pakistan for the past fifty years, aiming to spread terrorism and economic warfare to weaken the country politically, economically, and socially. However, Pakistan should not be deterred as unity is key to overcoming these challenges.

Although Pakistan has been a peace-loving country, it is not indifferent to defending itself against its enemies. Pakistan has not hesitated to give a befitting response to the sinister activities of the enemy. The individuals mentioned here were targeted by Indian agents with the aim of causing harm to Pakistan.


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