Uncovering the Truth Behind the New York Times’ ‘Hamas Rape’ Story on TV Shows


In December of 2023, The New York Times released a controversial article that alleged Hamas’s plan to use rape and sexual violence as weapons. The article has since been widely discredited. We discuss the fallout from this article and the larger issue of biased Western media coverage in favor of Israel and against Palestinians.
Some of our main contributors include Ali Abunimah from Electronic Intifada, Chris Hedges, former Middle East Bureau Chief at The New York Times, and Yumna Patel, Palestine News Director at Mondoweiss.
Also in focus is the backlash faced by filmmakers Yuval Abraham and Basel Adra following their award-winning speech at the Berlinale film festival, highlighting Germany’s ongoing contentious discussions on Gaza.
Furthermore, we delve into the disturbing trend of Israeli soldiers in Gaza documenting their own human rights violations against Palestinians on social media. The Listening Post has reviewed these materials with insights from experts such as Basil Farraj from Birzeit University, Lisa Hajjar from UC Santa Barbara, and Sarah Leah Whitson from Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN).
This segment was produced by Tariq Nafi and Elettra Scrivo, with special thanks to Younis Tiwari and Tali Shapiro.


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