The American Academy of Neurology Honors Pakistani Professor with Advocate of the Year Award.


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Karachi: Professor Muhammad Wasim, a neurology professor at Aga Khan University’s medical department, was honored with the Advocate of the Year Award in Colorado by the American Academy of Neurology Global President and Neurology Advocacy for his outstanding contributions.
According to a press release from Aga Khan University, Professor Muhammad Wasim is a consultant neurologist specializing in general neurology and strokes. He has also provided services as the President of the Pakistan Society of Neurology and has recently been elected as a Trustee of the World Federation of Neurology and as a Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences.
Professor Muhammad Wasim has led multiple task forces and advisory committees in public and private sectors in the field of neurosciences and neuroimaging.
Speaking about his success, Professor Wasim mentioned that his latest honor is in honor of the late Dr. and social activist Keith M. West Jr., whom he aims to follow in terms of the well-being and care of patients in the field of neurological sciences.
Prior to this award, Professor Wasim has been honored with the American Academy of Neurology’s Teachers Recognition Award and Neurology Leader of the Year Award, as well as the Excellence in Teaching Award from the Pakistan Society of Neurology, the Junior Award from the Pakistan Academy of Medical Sciences, and the Gold Medal.


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