Social Efforts Required to Make Transparent Preparation of Results Complete – Fafen


The Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) has said that it is important to address the issue of Level Playing Field, stressing that efforts need to be made so that elections are transparent and trustworthy. According to a statement issued by FAFEN, it is important to fulfill the legal requirements for the sake of election transparency, and all relevant parties should make social efforts to ensure that voters are able to freely exercise their right to vote. It is also important to make social efforts to ensure that the counting of votes and the preparation of results is made completely transparent in accordance with election laws. It is only through trustworthy elections that the confidence of all political parties and the public can be established. FAFEN said that all major political parties are involved in a fair race for democracy, and the Election Commission should use its powers granted under Section 8B of the Election Act to review the decisions of returning officers. It was also suggested that the number of postal ballots received in each electoral constituency should be published on the Election Commission’s website before polling ends on February 8. FAFEN has said that polling officers should be bound to allow election candidates, polling agents, and observers to observe the counting process, and access should be provided to observers before and during the polling process. It was further stated in the statement that election candidates and their agents should be provided with forms 45 and 46 for the ballot count, and returning officers should be bound to provide them with forms 47, 48, and 49. Another recommendation for making the electoral process transparent was that the media representatives should have access to the polling stations on polling day and should be allowed to report on the electoral process. Any changes in the final list of polling stations should be published on the Election Commission’s website. FAFEN urged that forms 45, 46, 48, and 49 should be published on the Election Commission’s website as soon as possible, any attempt to prevent women voters from exercising their right to vote should result in legal action, and political parties and trained agent should be designated at the polling stations to ensure the presence of counting processes.


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