Report: ICC prosecutors question staff from Al-Shifa and Nasser hospitals in connection to Israel’s war on Gaza.


According to reports, ICC investigators have gathered testimony from medical staff at two major hospitals in Gaza, indicating a focus on possible crimes committed during Israel’s lengthy conflict with the territory. The sources, who preferred to remain anonymous, disclosed that interviews were conducted with employees of al-Shifa Hospital and Nasser Hospital, where Palestinian officials claim mass graves were found after Israeli forces withdrew. Concerns about witness safety prevented the sources from sharing more specifics, although one hinted that the hospitals’ events could be included in the ICC’s investigation into war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other serious offenses.

Last week, the UN expressed shock at the reports of mass graves at the hospitals, highlighting the protected status of medical facilities under international law. The discovery of 392 bodies, including women, children, and the elderly, in the graves was confirmed by Gaza’s civil defense agency. Allegations of Palestinians burying bodies were dismissed by the Israeli army, which did not directly address accusations of involvement in the deaths. The investigation by the ICC, which has jurisdiction over actions in the Palestinian territories and by Palestinians elsewhere, remains ongoing.

Prime Minister Netanyahu vowed to resist any ICC interference, emphasizing Israel’s right to self-defense. However, former UN envoy Salman Shaikh suggested that Israeli conduct in Gaza is increasingly under global scrutiny, with accountability expected from international courts. Shaikh urged Western supporters of Israel to reconsider their backing, especially regarding the supply of offensive weaponry to the Israeli army. The spotlight on Israeli actions in Gaza underscores the urgency of addressing violations of international humanitarian law by all parties involved.


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