Renoir Singh files case against fake video impersonator


Photo: Indian media

Mumbai: Bollywood star Ranveer Singh has filed a complaint against a fake video circulating on social media, in which he is shown supporting a political party.

During the elections in India, a video of Ranveer Singh went viral, which was created using artificial intelligence (AI).

The video showed the actor criticizing the rising unemployment during the government of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and supporting another political party.

To create the deep fake video, Ranveer Singh’s original video from his Varanasi trip was used, where he not only shared his experiences from the city tour but also praised the Modi government.

After the video went viral, Ranveer Singh issued a post on his social networking website X (formerly Twitter) saying, “Friends! Beware of deep fakes.”

After a few days, Ranveer Singh has now filed a complaint against his deep fake video in the cybercrime cell of the Mumbai Police.

According to media reports, Ranveer Singh has stated in his FIR that the police should investigate the social media account that first uploaded his deep fake video.


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