Over 1.3 Billion Worth of Smuggled Indian Gutka and Chalia Seized in Love


Frontier Corps and Custom Intelligence Quetta, in collaboration with Frontier Corps Police, have seized smuggled Indian gutka, knives, and non-duty paid cigarettes worth 131.2 million rupees in Jam Colony, Hub.

In relation to the operation, Director Customs Intelligence, Gawadar, Mueen Afzal, stated that the raid faced strong resistance from local individuals, who also blocked the road and threw stones at the team.

He further informed that with the cooperation of Frontier Corps and the police, the raid team successfully confiscated prohibited items worth millions of rupees using nine small trucks to transport them to the government warehouse.

Mueen Afzal revealed that the raid resulted in the seizure of smuggled goods consisting of 31 tons of smuggled knives worth 108 million rupees, 6,30,000 sachets of Indian gutka worth 2.79 million rupees, and 840,000 sticks of smuggled foreign cigarette brands worth 25.2 million rupees.


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