Meeting between Finance Minister and American officials, exchange of views on various issues including negotiations.


The Minister of Finance briefed American officials on the reform agenda: Photo: Express News

Islamabad: Finance Minister Mohammad Aurangzeb met with Donald Lu, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs, and Elizabeth Horst, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the US Department of State.

According to the spokesperson of the Finance Ministry, the meeting between Finance Minister Mohammad Aurangzeb and American officials took place at the World Bank headquarters in Washington, where an agreement was reached to further strengthen Pakistan-US relations.

The Finance Minister briefed the American officials on Pakistan’s reform agenda. The meeting also discussed issues related to alternative energy, agriculture, water and weather, and technology industry. The Finance Minister emphasized on upgrading Pakistan’s economic partnership with the US. Discussions were also held on investment opportunities in IT, agriculture, and other sectors.

Mohammad Aurangzeb stated that expanding the tax base, smoothing the energy sector, and prioritizing efficiency are key points. Pakistan will work with the US International Development Finance Corporation and the Pakistan Exim Bank. Before this, the Finance Minister also met with the Pakistan Staff Association of the World Bank and the IMF. The Finance Minister briefed the Association on the government’s reform agenda. Discussions during the meeting focused on expanding the tax base, energy sector reforms, efficiency, digitalization, and public-private partnerships.


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