Meeting between Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan and Chief of General Staff of Turkey, exchange of views on defense cooperation.


During a meeting between the Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa and the Chief of General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces, General Metin Gürak, other military officials were also present. According to a statement issued by the Pakistan Army’s Public Relations Department, the two discussed mutual interests, defense cooperation, training, regional security, and stability. Both countries acknowledged the strong relations between their armies and agreed to further enhance defense cooperation. General Bajwa emphasized the need to strengthen existing military cooperation between the two armed forces. General Gürak praised the role of the Pakistan Army in regional security and counter-terrorism efforts. During the meeting at General Headquarters, a floral wreath was laid at the memorial of martyrs by the Turkish Chief of General Staff, while the Pakistan Army’s ceremonial guard of honor was presented to the esteemed guest.


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