Inzamamul Haq, the chief selector of the Pakistan men’s cricket team, has announced his resignation from the post. This decision follows allegations in the media that Haq had a stake in a player’s management company affiliated with the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB), raising concerns about the team selection process. Haq approached the PCB and requested an inquiry into the allegations. Subsequently, a five-member committee was formed, prompting Haq to step down until the completion of the probe. He expressed his willingness to cooperate with the PCB once the inquiry concludes. Haq denied any connection with the implicated player’s management company, stating that such companies are recommended by the International Cricket Council (ICC) and their data is held by the PCB. The PCB has also formed a fact-finding committee to investigate the conflict of interest allegations and has appreciated Haq’s voluntary decision to step down during the investigation. Haq had previously served as chief selector from 2016 to 2019. This resignation occurs amid criticism of the national team’s performance in the World Cup, with four consecutive losses following initial victories.
Home English Newspaper Inzamamul Haq relinquishes role as chief selector for men’s cricket team –...