Hasten not to break your fast in Karachi from 5pm to Iftar time


Karachi: DIG Traffic Ahmed Nawaz Cheema has directed that citizens should not be fined for traffic violations from 5 pm till Iftar, and officers or officials should not misbehave with citizens.

After assuming charge of his position, DIG Traffic Ahmed Nawaz Cheema, in his first address to subordinates at the auditorium, laid down the policy guidelines. He instructed that ensuring smooth traffic flow in the city is a top priority, and traffic officials should adopt a positive attitude towards the public. He ordered that no traffic police officer will issue a ticket from 5 pm to Iftar, and instead focus on ensuring the smooth flow of traffic so that citizens can easily reach their homes for Iftar.

Ahmed Nawaz Cheema stated that if a family member violates traffic laws, they should be given a warning instead of a fine, and special attention should be given to lane violations which not only lead to accidents but also disrupt traffic flow.

He made it clear that if officers or officials misbehave with anyone, strict action will be taken against them, traffic officers will only issue moving violation tickets, and parking on roads, corners, and important intersections disrupts traffic flow, so parking at these locations should be prohibited.

The DIG instructed that ticketing officers will not issue fines without body-worn cameras, officers and officials will not stand together, enforce strict fast lane rules on Faisal Avenue, and instruct motorcyclists to ride on the left side.

He also stated that officers should remove parked rickshaws with extra seats and also ensure that all sections install timing boards for picking and dropping passengers in their areas, and a specific time should be designated for lifting cars.


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