German civil servants call for immediate halt to arms sales to Israel | News on Israel’s conflict in Gaza


A group of German civil servants has sent a letter to Chancellor Olaf Scholz and other senior ministers, urging the government to stop arm deliveries to Israel immediately. The group, made up of around 600 civil servants, believes that Israel’s actions in Gaza violate international law and the constitution. They are also calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, renewed funding for UNRWA, and support for the recognition of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders.

In 2023, Germany approved arms exports to Israel worth 326.5 million euros, a significant increase from previous years. The civil servants behind the statement have faced challenges and fear of reprisal within the civil service, describing a “climate of fear” and warnings against discussing the issue. Despite these obstacles, the group plans to publish their statement on LinkedIn on April 8th.

Internationally, civil servants are increasingly speaking out against Western support of Israel. The group in Germany is inspired by similar initiatives in the US and the European Union. One of the initiators of the statement, a former Dutch diplomat, resigned over Gaza policy concerns and highlights the need to uphold international humanitarian law.

The German civil servants who have spoken out acknowledge the risks involved in their actions, including potential legal repercussions. They emphasize the urgency of the situation in Gaza and the importance of holding senior ministers accountable for their actions. As of now, the German foreign ministry has not responded to the group’s letter.


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