Former Vice President Glas’ Arrest Deemed Illegal by Ecuadorian Tribunal


The defense team for former Ecuadorian Vice President Jorge Glas celebrated a decision declaring his arrest inside Mexico’s embassy in Quito as illegal. However, a three-member panel also upheld his ongoing imprisonment, stating that they could not alter his sentence. Despite the ruling, lawyer Sonia Vera Garcia announced plans to appeal the decision to secure her client’s release.

The initial arrest of Glas within the Mexican embassy had caused international tensions, with Ecuadorian police storming the embassy and violating its inviolability. The tribunal found the arrest to be unlawful and arbitrary, as it lacked proper authorization. While Glas had sought refuge within the embassy, the government defended the police raid as legitimate.

Glas, who has been convicted twice on corruption charges, is currently serving his prison sentence in Guayaquil. The tribunal’s decision acknowledged the illegal nature of the arrest but maintained Glas’s imprisonment due to his prior convictions. Despite the setback, Gloria’s defense team remains steadfast in their pursuit of justice for their client.


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