Filing a case against those involved in marrying an 11-year-old non-Muslim girl


Photo: Express

Sheikhupura: A case has been filed against the accused who forcibly converted the religion of an 11-year-old non-Muslim girl and married her in the Ferozwala area of Sheikhupura district.

According to resident Saleem Masih of Ferozwala area, on March 27, officials from the Ferozwala police station came to his house and informed him that he should appear in Ferozwala court with his daughter Yerusha on March 28.

Saleem Masih stated that when he appeared in court with his daughter and some other relatives, they were informed that their neighbor, Imran Sarfraz, had filed a case against him. Imran Sarfraz is the husband of their daughter, Yerusha, who has been kept confined for no reason.

According to Saleem Masih, they showed the birth certificate of their daughter to the honorable court, which stated that their daughter is only 11 years old, while the accused had falsified the marriage certificate attached with their application.

The date of marriage in the certificate was October 10, 2023. After examining the evidence, the court dismissed the confinement request and ordered the police to take legal action against the accused Imran Sarfraz, his mother, the marriage witness, and the witnesses.

Saleem Masih mentioned that the accused forcibly converted and married his daughter under false pretenses.

Yerusha stated during an interview with Express News that the accused, Imran Sarfraz, is their neighbor and had tricked her into getting her signature by making excuses to go to the Sozo Water Park.

After learning about the incident, Provincial Minister for Minority Affairs Sardar Ramesh Singh Arora contacted Saleem Masih and directed the police to immediately file a case against the accused.


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