Drama of creating discord in the army should be stopped – Senator Faisal Vawda.


Islamabad: Senator Faisal Vawda has said that the drama of creating conflict within the army should come to an end. Attempts were made for negotiations, but when there was no response, a new statement was issued.
In a private TV interview, Senator Faisal Vawda said that if you look at the past, former Army Chief General (R) Qamar Javed Bajwa was a very bad person. He imposed martial law and did a lot. Then the PTI asked him for another extension, I was a part of the party at the time. He said that we have so much trust in you that we want to hold elections with you.
He said that first Bajwa was bad and then he became good. This is the double standard of PTI. Once decide whether they were good or bad. Then he said that this regime of the army has done everything against us. Then the PTI people sent messages to him that they want to talk to him. They want to talk to this chief and this DG ISI. This drama should come to an end now. Making the army controversial and playing the same game repeatedly is not acceptable.
Faisal Vawda further said that the present government has been very foolish. They should talk to Maulana Fazlur Rehman. If you put Zardari in the middle, things will get better.
Faisal Vawda said that it is a strange coincidence in Pakistan’s history that when the IMF comes to pay installments, the stock exchange rises, or when a team of investors comes to Pakistan like the Saudis. Where Pakistan’s better time comes, there are two things. Either confrontation, encirclement, protests, chaos on the streets, bloodshed occurs. Or as the Punjab government gave cheap bread, there is a stay order on it. If we come out of these two tasks, we can move forward. We have reached the point where we cannot tolerate this anymore.
On the question of what is the name of your tribe in which you are, Mohsin Naqvi, Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar, and your cousin tribe in which are Finance Minister Muhammad Orangzeb. He said that he said to Chief Justice Sahib in reportedly; Ata-ur-Rahman Sahib are specific. If it is written, then it is absolutely correct, then there is no problem. If there is anything said, there is a problem, and Chief Justice Ata-ur-Rahman Sahib has a big problem at the moment. Make it clear. If it is written, then present the record so that everyone is satisfied.
On the question of wheat import during the Nagra government, Faisal Vawda said that the best thing about this tribe is that if something comes up, action is taken quickly. If someone is involved in it, strict action is taken. It should be action that is harsher than that on an ordinary person.


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