Chinese President Xi Jinping visits US in preparation for summit with President Joe Biden | Political News


Chinese President Xi Jinping has landed in the United States for his first visit in six years. President Joe Biden aims to repair communication with Beijing, including military contacts. Xi will meet Biden in San Francisco before the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. Their discussions mark the first face-to-face meeting in a year, following months of high-level talks to address trade tensions and more. Biden’s goal is to improve the relationship, not sever ties, and to restore normal connections between the two countries. Xi’s arrival was met with supporters and demonstrators, with potential larger protests concerning issues like Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Uyghurs. Economic concerns, such as curbing the production of fentanyl, are expected to be discussed, but geopolitical tensions over Ukraine, Gaza, and China’s influence in the Asia Pacific region will also be a focus. The US aims to confront China on issues where disagreements persist. The underlying tension between the US and China is characterized by a competition to maintain influence in the region.


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