پی ٹی آئی نے 170 سے زائد قومی نشستوں میں سے ڈیڑھ برابر کی اکثریت حاصل کرلی: عمران خان


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Rawalpindi: The founder and chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, Imran Khan, has claimed that PTI has obtained a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly.
After PTI’s victory in the elections, a video made with artificial intelligence was shared by PTI from the account of Chairman Imran Khan, who is currently in Adiala Jail.
In the video made with AI, Imran Khan claimed in his address to the nation that PTI has won more than 170 seats in the National Assembly, obtaining a two-thirds majority.
He said, “You (the nation) have laid the foundation of true democracy in Pakistan by voting for us. I congratulate all of you on winning the 2024 elections. I was fully confident that you would come out to vote. The large-scale voter turnout has surprised everyone and you have shown your trust in me.”
Imran Khan said that the London Plan has failed because of your votes. Despite being behind in at least 30 constituencies, Nawaz Sharif’s victory speech [in the NA] will not be accepted by anyone in Pakistan, and even the international media is writing against it.
He said that it has come to light from independent sources that we were winning in 150 constituencies before the rigging started, and according to Form 45, PTI’s independent candidates have won 170 out of a total of 265 seats in the National Assembly, and PTI has clearly obtained a two-thirds majority.


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