جسٹس بابر ستار کی وضاحت سے کنفیوژن میں اضافہ : فیصل واوڈا


Justice Athar Minallah did not include these statements in writing? Private TV conversation – File photo

Islamabad: Senior politician Senator Faisal Vawda said that I was joking that if the cheap type of social media was important against Justice Babar Sattar, then they should come forward and explain, but when their press release came, more confusion was seen.

During a conversation with a private channel, he said that according to the press release, Justice Babar Sattar has said to the Chief Justice of the Islamabad High Court that they are Pakistani citizens and they have a green card which allows them to travel to America without a visa.

The confusion is that if something is written somewhere in the record, it should be highlighted and if they have said this in writing, then a big question mark is raised. Another question arises that if they are not operating, then the question is that there is nothing like a green card in the world, so how did the Chief Justice not incorporate it into the process? The third question is that they say in the same press release that they work in the U.S. with a law firm and they have a permanent residency card for America.

Assuming this is correct, then there must have been some profiling, some qualifications collected, saying that they got such a card, the third question is how they can travel to America without a visa? In this explanation, there is confusion, Everything should be written in the record and it should be cleared what it is. According to PTI leaders, Bajwa Sahib was a very bad person, they changed the regime, then the ISI offered Bajwa Sahib an extension during their government, meaning one good time and then there was a bad one, then General Asim Munir came, then PTI says that this whole mess has been created by this regime, now they are saying.

If speaking to this army and ISI, then they were good or bad, when will this drama end, this drama has come to a point where they are sitting in jail and continue to distort, we question our judiciary, we hanged Bhutto and 46 years later said it was wrong, Zardari was kept in jail for 14 years, there is no evidence in any law, then disqualified Nawaz Sharif through a black dictionary, then Imran Khan was brought down on Sunday night at 12 o’clock opening courts, now they have become irrelevant to me, now the ISI which are leading army chiefs are encouraging me.


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