A 24-year-old social media influencer from Malaysia, who had gone viral for dancing with multiple men, has voluntarily returned her crown. The brief video of the beauty queen went viral a few days ago, as it was recorded in Thailand, showing 24-year-old Veronika Troncova dancing with several men and completing a dance challenge given to her.
After the video went viral, the organizers of the beauty contest where she was supposed to compete took note and asked the young woman to return the crown, deeming her actions inappropriate. While dancing and completing a challenge given by men may not be wrong, it is not something that a responsible beauty pageant winner can do.
Despite receiving some support from multiple individuals, Veronika happily returned the crown after being criticized by the organizers. She stated that she is confident in her actions and regrets breaking the principles of the organization that holds beauty contests, hence returning the crown.