What will your enemies do when faced with the world’s challenge?


Obtain freedom from the views that harm our personality.

The journey to success begins within ourselves, for which self-confidence is a fundamental requirement. It is the fuel that empowers our success. Countless people lose courage and give up on the path due to their doubts and fears, turning back before reaching their destination. If I were to look back at my life’s journey, I feel that if I were to harness all of my natural abilities and consolidate them into one skill, it would be self-confidence. This ability has been crucial in helping me achieve success and express my natural abilities.

Through numerous trainings, conferences, interviews, real-life experiences, discussions about books, and conversations with successful people, I have found that the most fundamental and important quality in successful people is self-confidence. I have also seen many individuals who possess countless talents and abilities but are limited in expressing their natural skills due to a lack of self-confidence. In this article, I share seven behaviors and attitudes with you; if you can rid yourself of the views that harm our personality and strengthen your self-confidence, prosperity may be within your reach.

1: Do not become your own enemy
People lacking self-confidence often believe that they are their own enemies and that the world is against them. They tend to blame themselves for everything and put pressure on themselves, viewing their natural abilities in a negative light. By breaking free from this mindset, you hinder the development of the abilities necessary for success.

Self-confidence does not mean you should not accept your mistakes, but rather that damaging your confidence due to a sense of failure is not beneficial in any way. All successful and accomplished individuals face failures and make mistakes, but the key is that we should not let these failures negatively impact our other decisions and, especially, our confidence.

Every individual progresses through a continuous cycle of learning and growth. In today’s world, it is essential to constantly update and upgrade yourself. Self-confidence is a skill learned by all successful and accomplished individuals in the world. If you feel a lack of confidence within you, seek guidance and mentorship from experienced individuals to progress in your life’s journey.

2: Do not achieve results before making an effort
This habit is commonly found in individuals who lack a culture of self-confidence and motivation in their homes. I often say that there is no need for excessive effort and words to praise someone’s qualities and abilities; the inner motivation needs to be present. Unfortunately, this environment is not present in our homes, leading individuals to give up prematurely or achieve results before making any effort. Therefore, when they face negative experiences and do not achieve the desired results, they base their mindset and attitude on past experiences, giving up on their efforts.

Remember, success does not come from trying once or a few times but from continuous hard work and perseverance. If you are reading my articles today, I want to tell you that I did not write with such clarity and continuous inspiration from the beginning. It is a result of fifteen years of hard work, consistent mood writing experience, and continuous rejection, yet I never lost courage. Just adopt the habit of continuous effort and work without thinking about the results; after a while, you will be amazed by the outcomes.

3: Do not think more than necessary
Many people tend to overthink, wasting their time and valuable energy on unnecessary thoughts about situations, events, and time. It is crucial for an individual to think about their life and focus on every task, but overthinking time, age, and energy is a waste.

4: Focus on thoughts, not current situations
Through conversations and observations with people, I have learned that many individuals constantly worry due to their present circumstances. However, it is not focused on their current situation but on their thoughts that are essential. In reality, an individual’s present situation is a result of their past thoughts and decisions.

Similarly, their future will rely on their thoughts about their present circumstances. Unsuccessful and accomplished individuals differ only in their thoughts. Unassertive and unsuccessful individuals often view their current situations as their ultimate and real destination, rarely considering changing their thoughts and reflecting on the future. Therefore, make an effort today to focus on your thoughts, build and plan for your thoughts and completion.

5: Focus on future thoughts, not the waves of time
It is an important and beautiful point that requires our attention. Through my life experiences and various events, I have learned that every individual goes through different situations at different times in life. Every individual faces difficulties, challenging situations, and various events wherein they become distressed. Most individuals, with weak willpower, lose themselves in the waves of such times. Achieving self-confidence and success in life requires focusing on future thoughts rather than current situations. By keeping their future issues, thoughts, and works in mind, individuals should keep their activities moving.

6: At the end of the journey to success, focus on the beginning, not the results
In today’s digital age, where people want to become viral, famous, rich, and successful overnight through TikTok, shorts, and Facebook, and where everything is fast, many individuals choose to rush for quick success. However, keep in mind that every individual achieves success after a continuous journey. People lacking in self-confidence often desire success based on results, rather than having faith in their abilities. Therefore, when they face failures, they lose courage. Self-confident individuals succeed because they trust their abilities and hard work, rather than solely relying on results.

Bonus Point: Be prepared, stay confident:
The best and easiest way to build self-confidence in life is through preparation. When you prepare for things before the time arrives, you build inner confidence. See it, do it, it will happen; step out of that mindset and learn to prepare for all the tasks in life, and you will find confidence. Remember! On the dark paths of life and failure, the travelers who keep walking, achieve success at their destination. Achieving success in life is not a big thing, but moving forward and continuing despite difficulties is indeed a greater success. The poet of my area, Nasir Malik, says for such individuals:

How can darkness win against madness
We have lit the lamp of the path with blood


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