Water Theft of 15 Billion Rupees Caught in Karachi


Karachi: Pakistan Rangers and Water Corporation have jointly taken action to completely eradicate the case of stealing water worth 1.5 billion rupees in Karachi over the past few years.

According to Water Board Corporation officials, a 54-inch pipeline with a depth of 18 feet and a length of 200 feet was illegally built near Landhi Labor Square, where daily theft of 2 million gallons of water was taking place.

For water theft, a pipe was installed in a tank, which was built three hundred feet deep. According to officials, water theft was being carried out in the ARR Plant, while three large tanks were built under a room to store millions of gallons of water, which have now been completely eliminated. The successful operation was led by Chief Executive Officer Water Corporation Engineer Syed Salahuddin Ahmed.

Officials revealed that in the case of water theft, FIRs have been registered against 10 unidentified suspects, including Kashif Taseel, Shoaib, Iqbal Qaim Khani, Abdul Khalique Marwat, and Muhammad Shafiq.

At this occasion, CO Water Corporation Engineer Syed Salahuddin Ahmed congratulated and applauded the Water Corporation officials as well as Pakistan Rangers and Sindh Police for the successful operation, stating that this successful operation will lead to improved water supply in the surrounding areas.

He said that millions of gallons of water were stolen in the ARR Plant and the water theft mafia has stolen water worth 1.5 billion rupees over the past few years, and this water generates a daily profit of 4 million rupees. CO Water Corporation stated that under the Water Corporation Act, the punishment for this water theft is a 5-year sentence and a fine of 5 million rupees.

CO Water Board revealed that drone footage of the water theft location was previously made, and investigations will also be conducted against Water Corporation officers involved in this theft. If any culprits are found in this act, strict legal action will be taken against them. It was stated that no matter how influential or powerful a water thief may be, they will not be spared because water is the right of the citizens, and therefore, water thieves will not be allowed to steal water from the citizens’ share.

It was further stated that with the help of Pakistan Rangers, a large number of illegal hydrants and illegal connections have been disconnected throughout the city. It was also mentioned that Karachi’s water will now be distributed to the people of Karachi without any discrimination against water thieves, and more actions will be taken.


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