Turkey denounces Israel on final day of ICJ hearing, labeling it as ‘Expansionist Occupation’ | Gaza Conflict Updates from Israel


The final day of hearings at the UN’s top court saw more countries joining in condemning Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine. Turkey’s Deputy Foreign Minister Ahmet Yildiz was the first to speak, highlighting the failure of international laws to end the conflict and protect the rights of Palestinians. The focus was on the deepening occupation by Israel, as well as the failure to implement a two-state solution.

During the hearings, Turkey emphasized the need for Palestinians to be emancipated with dignity and raised concerns about the abuse of Haram al-Sharif by Israeli forces. The ongoing war in Gaza, which has resulted in the deaths of thousands of Palestinians, was also discussed separately from the ICJ proceedings.

Despite the US defending Israel’s actions and refusing to attend the hearings, other countries, including Arab nations, condemned Israel’s racial domination and apartheid imposition on Palestinians. The scrutiny of Israel’s occupation comes after a resolution was passed by the UN General Assembly calling for an ICJ opinion on the matter.


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