The Growing Demand for Lithium in Europe Endangers Livelihoods and Biodiversity in Portugal | Business and Economic Updates


In Portugal’s Covas do Barroso, Paulo Pires, a shepherd, is concerned about the proposed development of a large open-pit lithium mine in the region, which is known for its sustainable management of water, pastures, and forests. Despite promises of economic development and job creation, Pires and other locals fear that the mine will harm their livelihoods and the unique biodiversity of the area. This fear is compounded by concerns about the potential environmental impact of the mining projects, including the destruction of habitats and threats to endangered species. Despite the push for a “green transition” and the growing demand for lithium in Europe, many in the community are calling for a rethinking of the necessity of large-scale mining and the exploitation of natural resources for short-term gains, advocating instead for sustainable and environmentally conscious solutions.


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