The First Blind Senator in Chile: A Vision for Justice in Politics


In the midst of a deeply divided Chile, an Indigenous mother, Fabiola Campillai, found herself thrust into the political spotlight. While on her way to work, she was tragically blinded after being shot in the face with a tear gas canister by police during the country’s 2019 uprising.

Despite lacking any prior political experience, Campillai, a former factory worker, made the decision to seek justice and run for parliament. In a remarkable turn of events, she was elected as Chile’s first blind senator, a powerful symbol of resilience and determination.

As her own personal journey for justice continued, Campillai found herself confronting the policeman responsible for her injury in court, while also connecting with other victims of police brutality seeking reparations.

Realizing that her fight extended far beyond her own case, Campillai faced yet another challenge as she encountered resistance within Chile’s polarized parliament. Nevertheless, she remained steadfast in her pursuit of justice and equality.

“A Vision of Justice”, a documentary film by Nancy Roberts, chronicles Campillai’s remarkable story and her unwavering commitment to creating positive change in her country.


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