Rights of Domestic Workers: A Case from Islamabad Reveals Deep Concerns


In a recent turn of events in Islamabad, Somia Asim, spouse of a reputable civil judge, found herself under the judicial spotlight. The court decreed a 14-day judicial remand for her alleged involvement in the grievous assault of a minor domestic aide.

The harrowing incident came to light when the young domestic worker was urgently admitted to Lahore General Hospital on July 24, presenting critical injuries. Medical evaluations painted a grim picture, with the young victim displaying fractures, deep cuts, and widespread bruising on her physique.

In the unfolding aftermath, local authorities initially pinned charges related to criminal intimidation and unlawful imprisonment on Mrs. Asim. But as the layers of the incident unraveled, graver accusations, encompassing even homicide, were added to the list. Although Somia enjoyed a brief respite under bail until August 7, her bid for pre-arrest bail was unfortunately turned down, leading to her arrest.

As the courtroom saga continued, the presiding judge cast a discerning eye on the request for physical remand. Emphasizing that such a measure is reserved solely for suspects implicated in homicides, the judge noted the abundant evidence already in hand. Somia’s defense, steadfast in their stance, refuted all charges, even urging the court to inspect relevant city camera recordings.

A visibly distraught Somia pleaded her innocence during the proceedings. She appealed to the court for discretion, asking that media personnel be restrained from documenting the trial and sought permission to engage with her family. Deliberating over the matter, the court concluded that a physical remand was unwarranted. Instead, Somia was incarcerated based on the prevailing suspicions about her role in the alleged offense.

Marking August 22 on their calendars, the court instructed the police to ensure Somia’s presence once more. Meanwhile, the injured domestic worker, having bravely weathered the storm, is on a hopeful path to recovery outside the intensive care unit. This incident hasn’t escaped the media’s gaze, sparking nationwide debates around the conditions and rights of domestic workers in Pakistan.

At the heart of this incident lies a pressing narrative: the urgency to safeguard domestic workers. It beckons a reevaluation of existing regulations, pushing for robust measures against potential maltreatment and exploitation in home-based work environments.


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