PTI refuses to block PML-N’s attempts to censor media


Islamabad: PTI has rejected the FBR’s decision to block more than five lakh suspicious profiles. According to Express News, PTI has responded to FBR’s letter stating that the act of blocking suspicious profiles is not compatible with our system and legally we are not bound to block profiles. PTI has stated that a large number of women and children use profiles in the names of men, with only 27% of profiles in Pakistan being in the name of women. The Income Tax Ordinance 2021 does not apply to PTI, and blocking profiles will harm digitization. PTI has also warned that blocking profiles will harm the economy, as it may deter foreign investments in the telecom sector and cause issues for users using banking transactions, e-commerce, and mobile accounts. In the letter, PTI has advised FBR to consider other legal options besides blocking suspicious profiles.


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