Polish leaders denounce attack on Warsaw synagogue | EU Updates


The recent attack on the Nozyk Synagogue in Warsaw has been condemned by Poland’s political leaders. Three firebombs were thrown at the synagogue early Wednesday, causing minimal damage and no casualties. The motive behind the attack is still unknown, and no perpetrator has been identified. This incident comes amidst a global rise in anti-Semitic incidents following the Israel-Gaza war, with suspicions that Russia may be involved in fueling tensions in Europe.

President Andrzej Duda called the attack “shameful” and emphasized that there is no place for anti-Semitism in Poland. Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski also strongly condemned the attack, noting that it occurred on the 20th anniversary of Poland’s accession to the European Union. He questioned the timing of the attack and suggested possible links to Russian destabilization efforts seen in previous incidents involving anti-Semitic symbols.

The Anti-Defamation League reports a significant increase in anti-Semitic incidents across Europe since October 7, highlighting the need for robust responses to such hateful acts.


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