On Thursday, Karachi police filed a First Information Report (FIR) in response to an incident where a pickup truck struck four members of a family in the Gulshan-i-Iqbal area earlier this week. The shocking CCTV footage of the incident, circulated widely on social media, shows the speeding vehicle colliding with the family and a rickshaw. In a disturbing turn of events, the driver then flees the scene, only to return and run over the injured victims once again.
The incident drew the attention of the Caretaker Sindh Home Minister, retired Brig Haris Nawaz, who ordered the police to submit a comprehensive report on the incident and apprehend those responsible.
The officer confirmed that no deaths were reported, but that the four family members were injured and currently receiving treatment at a private hospital.
According to the FIR, the injured complainant, Sajjad Hussain, explained that he and his family were visiting a local market in Gulshan-i-Iqbal, Block-7 on August 27. Hussain, a resident of Gulistan-i-Jauhar, Block-10, stated that while his sister was shopping in the market, he took his two daughters and niece to a nearby public park. When his sister called, he headed back to the car with his daughters and niece. Unfortunately, an unidentified double cabin vehicle hit them, causing injuries.
The FIR reveals that Hussain suffered head injuries and a fractured leg. His four-year-old daughter sustained injuries to her head, leg, and foot, while his seven-year-old daughter suffered wounds below her eyes and ribs. Additionally, his five-year-old niece endured injuries to her neck, leg, hands, and shoulder.
Hussain appealed for legal action against the unidentified driver who, through reckless and negligent driving, caused harm to his family.