Police officer accused of violence against women removed from department: Tesla.


Rawalpindi: A video of police brutality against a woman outside the Taxila police station has gone viral, leading to the suspension of ASI Imtiaz Naseer pending investigations.

Taxila police station received information that a wanted suspect, Basir Khan, was present outside the Taxila court. Police officers reached the spot and attempted to arrest the suspect. Meanwhile, the suspect’s mother tried to stop her son’s arrest, prompting police officers to physically push her back and forcefully lift the suspect into a vehicle.

The police officers continued to use excessive force against the suspect, even after his arrest. As they were about to leave the scene, the suspect’s mother grabbed onto the police vehicle’s door, leading to the officers pushing her again and slapping her.

Following the circulation of the video showing police brutality, SP Syed Khald Hamdani ordered the suspension of ASI Imtiaz Naseer and instructed SP Potohar to submit an inquiry report within 3 hours.

SP Hamdani stated that any misconduct and disrespectful behavior towards women will not be tolerated, and officers should always maintain their professionalism. He emphasized that there is no place for those who abuse their authority and violate official dignity in the Rawalpindi Police force, and urged officers to correct their behavior.

Meanwhile, Punjab’s Chief Minister nominee, Maryam Nawaz, also took notice of the incident and demanded punishment for the officer involved in the incident by contacting the concerned chief minister over the phone.


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