Candidates for the US Presidential Election of 2024


Republican former President Donald Trump and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley are vying for the Republican party’s presidential nomination for the 2024 general election. President Joe Biden is the Democratic Party’s nominee, with several third-party candidates also in the running.

Donald Trump
Trump’s popularity among Republicans has been boosted by civil cases and indictments, making him the frontrunner with 64% support. He has won early nominating contests and is working to replace Republican National Committee leadership with his own allies.

Nikki Haley
Haley, a former South Carolina governor and Trump’s UN ambassador, is emphasizing her relative youth and immigrant background in her campaign. She has faced attacks from Trump and is positioning herself as a defender of American interests abroad.

Joe Biden
Biden, the current president, is seeking a second term, focusing on defending American liberties and addressing economic challenges. He has faced criticism for his handling of immigration policy and foreign affairs.

Dean Phillips
Phillips, a US congressman from Minnesota, is challenging Biden for the Democratic nomination, highlighting his commitment to repairing the economy and America.


Robbert F. Kennedy JR
Kennedy, running as an independent, is an anti-vaccine activist and son of Senator Robert F. Kennedy. He is behind in polling but could impact the election outcome.

Cornel West
West, a political activist and academic, is running as an independent, appealing to progressive voters with a focus on ending poverty and guaranteeing housing.

Jill Stein
Stein, a physician and Green Party candidate, is re-running her 2016 bid, criticizing both Democrats and Republicans for their failure to address key issues.


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