Ongoing Genocide Unfolding in Palestine amidst Israel-Palestine Conflict


Genocide scholars have long argued that mass atrocities are not the sole responsibility of a single evil leader or a small extremist group. Rather, the frightening truth is that genocide occurs with the support of the masses, either through active involvement or complicity through silence.

In this particular case, it appears that we are witnessing an unprecedented level of support for genocide from various actors, openly and actively. Many institutions in North America, Western Europe, and elsewhere are either actively participating in this genocide or remaining silent, making them complicit.

For a genocide to occur, two crucial elements are required: the capability to carry out the genocide and the ability to conceal it by presenting it as something else. The West is involved in both of these critical aspects.

In terms of capability, the United States has deployed two aircraft carriers to the region and has made it clear that it will intervene forcefully if any state or group tries to aid the Palestinians. The United Kingdom has also sent naval ships to support this imperialistic threat. The US is providing military equipment and weapons to Israel, refusing to call for a ceasefire or de-escalation. In addition, corporations and economic institutions are financially supporting Israel under the guise of helping Israeli victims. The years of aid and support from the US and the West have enabled Israel to develop the infrastructure necessary to carry out a genocide.

Regarding concealment, political, media, social, and cultural institutions in the West are completely mobilized to hide and downplay this act of genocide. They present it as a righteous act of self-defense by the victimized Jewish people worldwide. Those who express support for Palestine in the West face threats of job loss, criminal charges, bans, and other forms of harassment. The media consistently portrays Hamas as the party responsible for the loss of Palestinian lives, absolving themselves of any responsibility. The Israeli operation is framed as a mission to “eliminate Hamas” instead of the genocide of the Palestinian people. Those few voices questioning these narratives are marginalized, silenced, and de-platformed.

To put it simply, all mainstream institutions in the West are united in enabling the genocide of Palestinians, all while claiming to protect “civilization” from “barbarism.”

As I write this, I feel a sense of dread for what is to come. The suffering endured by Palestinians thus far is already unimaginable and difficult to put into words. And what lies ahead will be even worse.

In moments like this, everything becomes clear. Many of us have long understood this, but now there can be no denying it. The imperial West remains committed to the project it began in the late 15th century, albeit with changes in methods, tactics, and strategies. The players may have changed, and some aspects have become more complex, while others have become simpler. Academic debates are important, but at this moment, what matters is stating it loud and clear – the imperial West is determined to maintain its supremacy and will kill indiscriminately to achieve its only goal: power and wealth.

This same imperial project has brutalized millions of Black Africans, committed genocide against Indigenous peoples, colonized Asia and Africa through brutality, destroyed countless societies, massacred civilians in imperial wars, and perpetrated other atrocities. Its neocolonial economic infrastructure continues to exploit the majority of the world’s population. The ongoing manifestation of this project is most evident in Palestine.

We will never forget these brutalities and injustices. The memory of our dead and injured will guide us and inspire us to create a better world.

The world is witnessing that we do not live in an international system of nation-states but in an imperial world order where the West reigns supreme. White supremacy is not only alive and well but a reflection of the material conditions of our world. Simply put, the world can see how the Euro-American empire forcefully positions itself as the master of the world, using any means necessary.

To initiate a genuine movement away from this era of colonial modernity, we must remove Western European and North American states – not the people, but the states – from our political and economic lives worldwide.

People around the world must withdraw their participation from a system that primarily benefits Euro-American powers and elites. This should be done not only for the sake of Palestine but also for their own dignity, freedom, and humanity.

Europeans and North Americans can and should join us in creating a better world. However, they can only do so by actively participating in dismantling the imperial world order that primarily benefits their own political and economic elites. Only then can they join the brave decolonization project as equals with the rest of the world, without ever seeking dominance again. For them and indeed for the Israeli people, joining the decolonization project is the only way to avoid the inevitable fate of all dominant powers, which is their eventual violent overthrow by new powers.


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