Once again demanding the disclosure of assets of members of parliament and government officials by the Election Commission of Pakistan


Islamabad: The IMF has once again demanded the public disclosure of assets by ministers, parliamentarians, and government officials, stating that strict action should be taken to reveal assets. The publication of the tax directory of parliamentarians and taxpayers by the FBR has also been stopped. According to sources, the IMF has recommended stringent measures to combat corruption in the upcoming budget and has reiterated the demand for public disclosure of assets by those holding public office. The International Monetary Fund has reaffirmed its stance on ending corruption by stating that action should be taken to reveal the assets of ministers, parliamentarians, and government officials.

Sources have revealed that the federal government has been unsuccessful in creating a portal to disclose assets at the public level, and international financial institutions have expressed concerns over the government’s failure to create the portal. It is said that Pakistani authorities are bound under the agreement to disclose details of assets through the portal, and the IMF has instructed Cabinet members, Assembly members, and officials to disclose their assets publicly.

It is worth reading: IMF recommends ending development funds for parliamentarians

According to sources, the government had created a platform for officials based on the instructions of the International Monetary Fund, where bank officials are required to obtain information about assets when opening new accounts.

It should be noted that initially, the FBR had initiated the publication of a tax directory for parliamentarians and taxpayers, but this initiative has now been discontinued.


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