Nikki Haley puts White House bid on hold, opening up possibility of Trump-Biden rematch – Global stage


Former South Carolina governor and Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, ended her challenge to Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination on Wednesday. She acknowledged Trump was likely to be the party’s candidate in the November election against Democratic President Joe Biden. Haley highlighted the importance of US global leadership based on her foreign policy experience at the UN, advocating for support for Ukraine and cautioning against Russian aggression. While she did not endorse Trump, she emphasized the need for him to earn votes within and outside the party. Despite lasting longer than other challengers, Haley did not pose a serious threat to Trump, whose grip on the Republican base remains strong. The upcoming election between Trump and Biden is already viewed as divisive, with both candidates facing low approval ratings. Key issues in the campaign include the economy, immigration policies, and the state of the US-Mexico border. While Trump may face criminal charges, Biden is positioned to challenge him on economic conditions and immigration stances. The race is likely to hinge on swing states and crucial issues like abortion, where the Supreme Court’s recent ruling has reignited political debates. Despite her campaign’s end, Haley continued to criticize Trump and express willingness to pardon him if convicted, signaling her evolution into an anti-Trump figure within the party.


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