Celebrities from around the world dressed in “jungle fever” outfits gathered in India for a weekend party hosted by Mukesh Ambani, Asia’s richest man. Guests included Rihanna, Mark Zuckerberg, and Ivanka Trump, attending a pre-wedding ceremony for Ambani’s son Anant and his fiancee Radhika Merchant. Rihanna performed at the event, which included a visit to an animal rescue center founded by Anant. The dress code for the visit was safari-themed, with a later evening party celebrating Indian culture. Ambani, chairman of Reliance Industries, has built a commercial empire and is known for his opulent lifestyle, including the extravagant Antilia skyscraper in Mumbai. The event also included Disney chief Bob Iger and a star-studded guest list of Bollywood and sports celebrities.
Home English Newspaper Mukesh Ambani, Asia’s wealthiest man, showcases the global elite at the zoo...