Moscow concert hall attack: Latest developments and updates | Crime News


A horrifying attack took place at the Crocus City Hall, located in suburban Krasnogorsk, on the western edge of Moscow. Gunmen opened fire and set off explosives during a concert, leaving at least 60 people dead and dozens injured. The venue, which includes a shopping center and conference venue, has a capacity for 6,200 people and is a popular entertainment spot.

The attack occurred during a sold-out show by the band Picnic, causing chaos and panic among concert-goers. Witnesses described scenes of gunfire and people trampling over each other to escape the violence. The attackers also set off explosives, igniting a large blaze that was eventually brought under control by firefighters.

Russian authorities launched a “terrorist” investigation into the attack, with the national guard deployed to search for the gunmen. Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISKP), an Afghan affiliate of ISIL, claimed responsibility for the attack, stating that their fighters had caused destruction before escaping safely.

This is not the first time Russia has been targeted by terrorist attacks, with incidents dating back to the early 2000s. The country was shaken by bombings, hostage situations, and sieges carried out by Chechen fighters. The recent attack at the Crocus City Hall adds to the tragic history of violence in the region.


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