JI to Challenge Deals with IPPs in Supreme Court: Sirajul Haq


Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) leader Sirajul Haq has announced that his party will be approaching the Supreme Court to challenge agreements made by previous governments with independent power producers (IPPs). Haq blamed these agreements for the recent increase in electricity bills and expressed concern for the burden it puts on the public.

The national average tariff for electricity was raised by approximately Rs5 per unit by the power regulator last month, pushing the base unit power tariff to Rs29.78 from Rs24.82. The government also intended to raise the power rate by Rs3.55 per unit on August 22. These increases have led to widespread protests and demonstrations, with traders and the public expressing frustration over inflated power bills.

Showing gratitude towards the people and the trader community for their participation in the recent strike against taxing hikes in electricity bills and petroleum prices, Haq stated that it sent a clear message to the government that the agreements made with IPPs were not acceptable. He criticized the past governments for betraying the nation and committing injustice through these deals.

Haq emphasized that the strike provided an opportunity for the caretaker government to renegotiate the agreements, given the public dissatisfaction and resentment towards high power costs. He mentioned using the right to information on the IPP agreements and revealed plans to unveil them before the nation in the Supreme Court. In addition, he called for protests outside the governor houses in all four provinces and warned of a potential wheel-jam strike if the increase in electricity prices was not reversed.

Haq criticized the IPP deals for primarily benefiting the elite class while burdening the general public. He also voiced his concerns over the rise in prices of petroleum products and demanded its reversal.

The JI’s decision to take legal action against the agreements with IPPs reflects their commitment to address the concerns of the public and seek justice in the energy sector. By approaching the Supreme Court, they aim to bring transparency to the deals and find a solution that is fair to the people of Pakistan.


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