Israeli forces issue evacuation order causing thousands to flee Rafah | Gaza Conflict continues


Israel has issued new evacuation orders in Gaza’s southern city of Rafah, requiring tens of thousands of people to move as it prepares to expand its military operation. Following Saturday’s orders, Israeli forces have now evacuated the eastern third of Rafah, encroaching into the heavily populated central area.

The orders have been met with international opposition and criticism, with President Joe Biden stating that the United States will not provide offensive weapons to Israel in light of its offensive in Rafah. The United Nations and other agencies have warned of the devastating impact of an Israeli assault on Rafah, which borders Egypt and serves as a main aid entry point. This could severely hinder humanitarian operations and result in a significant increase in civilian casualties.

Over 1.4 million Palestinians have sought shelter in Rafah after fleeing Israeli military attacks in other parts of Gaza. As the last refuge in the enclave, the evacuations are forcing people to return north to areas previously devastated by attacks. Displaced individuals are running out of options, with limited safe places left in the embattled Strip.

Many fleeing the fighting have set up new tent camps in Khan Younis and Deir el-Balah, both of which have been heavily damaged in past Israeli offensives, further straining the already fragile infrastructure in these areas.


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