Israeli Citizens Calling for a Ceasefire in Conflict with Gaza | Updates on Benjamin Netanyahu


Avital Suisa, a 39-year-old activist from West Jerusalem, voices her opposition to the ongoing war, stating that she does not believe in the goals of the conflict and views it as pointless. As a strong supporter of the two-state solution, Suisa actively works to discourage settler violence against vulnerable Palestinian Bedouins in the occupied West Bank. While her stance is not in line with the majority of Israeli society, calls for a ceasefire are on the rise for various reasons.

Some advocate for a ceasefire to secure the release of Israeli captives, while others argue that the indiscriminate killing of civilians in Gaza poses a long-term security risk for Israel. Suisa, like others, calls for a permanent end to the fighting rather than just a temporary pause. She believes that the current scorched-earth tactics employed by Israel in Gaza only perpetuate a cycle of violence and suffering.

Despite differing opinions within Israeli society, including those who support continuing the conflict until Hamas is eradicated, there is a growing recognition that a ceasefire may be necessary for the overall well-being of both Palestinians and Israelis. Suisa emphasizes the need for Israel to commit to a peace process that offers hope to all involved and works towards breaking the cycle of violence in the region.


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